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Manufacturing Industries

A. Choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks.

1. a; 2. a; 3. d; 4. b; 5. a

B. State whether true or false. If false, correct the given statement.

1. T
2. T
3. F (correct: Sugar mills are owned and managed by a group of people who
form their own co-operative society.)
 4. F
5. F (Flax is a plant product.)

C. Match the columns.

1. b 2; e 3; d 4; a 5; c

D. Fill in the blanks.

1. functional managers
2. Toys (Answers may vary)
3. intermediate
4. Bangladesh
5. pig

E. Answer the following questions in 10-20 words.

1. Manufacturing industry converts raw materials into finished products, usually on
a large scale, by physical labour or mechanical power.

2. Obtaining a raw material, processing it into finished product and distributing the
product are the various stages of production in an industry.

3. Agro-based industries obtain their raw materials from agriculture. Examples are
cotton and jute textiles, sugar, food processing, etc. Mineral-based industries, on
the other hand, use rocks and minerals as their raw materials. Examples are iron
and steel, aluminium, cement and petrochemicals.

4. Leather goods and woollen textiles are examples of pastoral-based industries while
paper and furniture are examples of forest-based industries.

5. Rayon, nylon, acrylic and polyester are some synthetic textiles. They are in demand
because they are cheaper, easier to maintain and more durable than the natural

6. The four major industrial regions of the world are the Eastern part of North
America, Western and Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Eastern Asia.

7. The three types of cotton textile mills are spinning mills, which produce yarn,
weaving mills, which produce cloth and composite mills, which produce both yarn
and cloth. Cotton textiles are mainly produced in the USA, China, India, Russia, the
UK, Japan, Brazil, France, Spain, Italy and Egypt.

F. Answer the following questions in 50-70 words.

1. Intermediate goods industries are those whose products are used as components
to manufacture other finished products. For example, tyres, packaging materials
and machine parts are used to manufacture finished products like cars, packaged
food, cranes, etc. Consumer goods industries are those whose finished products are
directly used by consumers. Examples are sugar, paper, cosmetics and automobiles.

2. Private sector industries are owned and managed by individuals or a group of
individuals. Tata Iron and Steel Company, Reliance Industries and Aditya Birla
Group of Industries are examples of this type. Public sector industries, on the
other hand, are owned by the central or state governments or their agencies. Steel
Authority of India Ltd., Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd., and Durgapur Steel Plant all
fall into this category.

3. Iron ore is mixed with coal and limestone and smelted together in a blast furnace.
The molten iron is run into moulds and is called pig iron. On solidification, it is
hard and strong but brittle due to impurities. The impurities are removed to obtain
pure iron. Some carbon is mixed with pure iron to make steel.

G. Answer the following questions in 80-100 words.

1. The size of an industry depends upon the amount of capital invested, number
of workers employed and the quantity of production. Thus, on the basis of size,
industries can be classified as:
• Cottage industries: These are household industries in which the craftsmen
make goods in their homes with the help of their family members. They invest
very little capital, use local raw materials and simple tools, and little or no
power. Their skills are generally hereditary. They sell the products in the local
markets. The products include pottery, baskets, textiles, jewellery, decorative
items, jams and jellies, pickles, etc. Cottage industries are very common in India
and other south Asian countries.
• Small-scale industries: These industries employ some labour and use some
power-driven machinery. Raw materials are obtained from outside and products
are sold in local as well as outside markets through traders. They play an
important role in the developing countries, providing employment to a large
section of the population. The products include textiles, ceramics, toys, leather
goods, food stuffs, utensils, furniture and electronics.
• Large-scale industries: These industries invest huge capital, employ thousands
of labourers and use power-driven heavy machinery. Raw materials are
obtained from outside and are sometimes imported. The finished products are
distributed all over the country or exported. Production is highly specialised
and there are separate departments for different operations headed by
functional managers. Iron and steel, heavy machinery, transport equipment,
petrochemicals and cement.

2. Iron and steel industry has largely developed in the regions where both iron
ore and coal are available as this industry is raw material oriented. The Great
Lakes Region of the USA has a number of steel producing centres like Pittsburg,
Youngstown, Chicago and Gary. In Europe, countries like the UK, France,
Germany, Luxembourg, Poland, Belgium, Sweden and Ukraine have a large
number of iron and steel industries. In Russia, the Urals is the most important
steel producing region. Japan is a major producer of steel and has large centres
in the Osaka-Kobe and Tokyo-Yokohama regions though its industry depends on
imports of both iron ore and coal. Manchuria and Shandong in China are also steel
producing regions. Besides these, India, Australia, Brazil, Venezuela, Chile, Algeria,
Zimbabwe and South Africa are also steel producers.


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