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Media: Then and Now

 A.  Fill in the blanks.

1. Johannes Gutenberg


3.Signal Hill

4.Tim Berbers - Lee

5.Internet, Social media

 B.  Answer the questions.

1. Cave art was man's first intellectual pursuit.

2.Due to lack of literacy and readership,book were limited only to the elite of society. Also,books were not produced on a mass-scale.

3.As more and more pet began to learn how to read, newspaper started becoming popular among people. The handwritten news-sheets, popular in Venice as early as 1566,were the direct ancestors of the modern newspaper.

In 1814, The Times of London acquired a printing press capable of making over a thousand copies an hour. It was soon adapted to print on both sides of a pageat once. This innovation made newspapers cheaper and thus available to a largerpart of the population. Newspapers were the-firstcaptive media audience and people were addicted to news.

4.Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi raised a radio antenna attached to kite on Signal Hill, Newfoundland, Canada and received a radio signal from Cornwall,England, about 3,400 km away. Marconi made instant communication without wires possible. This was the beginning of the radio.

5.Engineers at Massachusetts institute of Technology made communication between two computers possible. The technology broke a message down into individual packages which were thenreassembled at the receiving computer. This led to the creation of the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) - a communication system developed by the US mily in 1969.

C. 1. A rough timeline of mass media can be traced via the folly timeline division: 

100 BC: Paper was invented in China.

1566:Handwritten news sheets in Venice were popularised.

1600: Johannes Gutenberg built the - first printing press.

1609: The first modernnewspapers were printed in  Germany.

1814:The Times of London acquired a printed press capable of makingover a thousand copies an hour.

1840: Telegraph networks linked various cities.

25 June 1848: The -first photography was used in a newspaper story.

1895: Moving pictures came.

1901:The first radio signal was received.

1950: Television invaded our homes.

1965:Internet was created.

1969: Creation of Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET)

1991:First web page was created by Tim Burners -Lee

1998:Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin

2004: Facebook fouy by Mark Zuckerberg and his friends

2005:Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and  Jawed Karim create YouTube

2006: Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass,Biz Stone and Evan Williams

2007: Steve Jobs unveils the iPhone, making phone   smart er than ever before

2. Social media has taken the world by storm and changing the way the entire world functions. It Conny anybody and everybody. The connectivity and fast transfer of information is its biggest advantage but at the same time , the privacy and private information of normal people being at risk is also a disadvantage of social media.

3. Social media is necessary in today's age. It needs to be filtered to a certain extent though. There are a few elements of social media that can be called unnecessary. When those few aspects are taken care of and handled cautiously, social media is quite a useful tool. A disciplined approach to the access of social media will not steal any of our precious time.


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