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Reaching the Age of Adolescence

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1. a. Testosterone 
    b. Sebaceous glands 
c. Endocrine glands
d. Mammary gland 
e. Larynx

a. Thyroid 
b. Thyroid 
c. Female
d. Iodine
e. Sweat glands

Assessment Zone

A. Choose the correct answer.

1. b 
2. c 
3. c 
4. a 
5. a
6. a 
7. b 
8. c 
9. c

B. Answer in one word.

1. Puberty
 2. Male
 3. Goitre
4. Thyroxine 
5. Metamorphosis

C. State True or false.

 1. True
 2. False 
 3. True 
 4. True
 5. False

D. Given below are the situations that could happen due to lack of a certain hormones. Identity the hormone in each situation.

1. Insulin
2. Growth hormone 

E. Complete the crossword with the help of the clues provided below.

3. Hormones  
6. Menopause
 7. Insulin
  8. Adam’s apple
 10. Testes

1. Oestrogen 
2. Pheromones 
4. Pituitary
5. Adrenaline 
9. Sebaceous

F. Answer the following questions in brief.

 1. Puberty is the period of onset of sexual maturity in humans and involves distinct
physical changes in the body. During this stage, both the male and the female
reproductive organs become functional, making the individuals capable of reproduction.

2. Five changes that occur in the human male body at puberty are listed below:
    • Secondary sexual characteristics like moustache, beard, hair on the chest and
Adam’s apple develop during puberty.
    • The adult male develops a large voice box or larynx which makes their voice deeper.
  • Manifestation of acne and pimples, especially on the face due to activation of sweat
producing glands and the sebaceous glands.
  • There is a sudden change in physical appearance like increase in the length of bones
of the legs and the arms. In males, the shoulders broaden, the chest widens and
there is increase in muscle mass.
  • The testes in the males start producing sperms. The penis and testicles in males are
fully developed.

3. Hormones regulate and influence the changes associated with puberty. At puberty, the
testes of human male produce a hormone called testosterone. It is this testosterone that
regulates the development of secondary sexual characters and leads to the maturation
of the accessory sex organs (organs of reproductive system but not involved in gamete
production). Testosterone also regulates sperm production in the males. The ovaries
of human female produce the female hormones, for example, oestrogen which helps
in regulating the menstrual cycle, development of secondary sexual characters and
accessory sex organs.

4. a. The sweat producing glands, the oil glands or the sebaceous glands get activated and
produce more of their secretions which cause acne and pimple.
b. Metamorphosis of tadpole into frog takes place only in the presence of the hormone
thyroxine. Since the secretion of this hormone requires sufficient amounts of iodine,
tadpoles need to live in salt water.

5. Sex organs develop during adolescence because testosterone and oestrogen is secreted at
puberty. It is these hormones that bring about changes in the human male and female.
Initially, the body is not capable of performing sexual activities in order to produce its
off springs, hence the primary organs required from the birth develop first and the sex
organs fully develop at adolescent age along with secondary sexual characters.

  6. Over-secretion of growth hormone causes an exceptional increase in the length of
a person, a condition called gigantism. Under-secretion of this hormone causes an
abnormally short stature, a condition called dwarfism.

  7. Goitre describes a condition where the thyroid gland, located in the neck, becomes
enlarged. It is one of the most common thyroid disorders. Thyroxin hormone requires
iodine for its formation. Lack of iodine can cause goitre.

8. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) can spread by using infected needles,
blood transfusion from an infected individual, through infected mother to her baby by
breast feeding or by having sexual contact with an infected individual.

9. Testicles (male) and ovaries (female) develop during puberty.

10. Insects such as ants also secrete some hormones called pheromones. Pheromones help
these insects to track more of their kind and to raise alarms during life-threatening

G. Answer the following questions in detail.

1. The sex of a baby is determined by the chromosomes present in the male and the female
gametes involved in reproduction. Most mammals, including humans, have an XY sex-
determination system: the Y chromosome carries factors responsible for triggering male
development. Thus, male mammals typically have an X and a Y chromosome (XY),
while female mammals typically have two X chromosomes (XX). Chromosomal sex is
determined at the time of fertilisation; a chromosome from the sperm cell, either X or Y,
fuses with the X chromosome in the egg cell.
  XX will be a female.

2. Refer to fig no. 10.4 on page no. 142.

3. At puberty, there is development of secondary sexual characters.
 In females, breasts are a manifestation of higher levels of estrogen; estrogen also
widens the pelvis and increases the amount of body fat in hips, thighs, buttocks, and
breasts. Estrogen also induces growth of the uterus, proliferation of the endometrium,
and menses.
    • Enlargement of breasts.
    • Growth of body hair, most prominently underarm and pubic hair
    • Greater development of thigh muscles behind the femur, rather than in front of it (as
is typical in mature males)
  • Widening of hips; lower waist to hip ratio than adult males.
 In males, testosterone directly increases size and mass of muscles, vocal cords,
and bones, deepening the voice, and changing the shape of the face and skeleton.
It accelerates growth of androgen-responsive facial and body hair but may slow
and eventually stop the growth of head hair. Taller stature is largely a result of
later puberty.
• Growth of body hair, including underarm, abdominal, chest hair and pubic hair. Loss
of scalp hair due to androgenic alopecia can also occur.
    • Greater mass of thigh muscles in front of the femur, rather than behind it (as is
typical in mature females)
  • Growth of facial hair.
    • Enlargement of larynx (Adam’s apple) and deepening of voice.
    • Increased stature; adult males are taller than adult females, on average.

  4. The sequence of events involving maturation of an ovum, ovulation and menstrual
flow constitutes a cycle called the menstrual cycle. Ovulation occurs in the middle of
the menstrual cycle. The monthly cycle of changes in the ovaries and the lining of the
uterus (endometrium), starting with the preparation of an egg for fertilisation. When
the follicle of the prepared egg in the ovary breaks, it is released for fertilisation and
ovulation occurs. Unless pregnancy occurs, the cycle ends with the shedding of part of
the endometrium, which is menstruation. Although it is the end of the physical cycle,
the first day of menstrual bleeding is designated as “day 1” of the menstrual cycle in
medical parlance.

5. Practices which can be adopted by the adolescents to maintain personal hygiene:
    • One must bathe regularly and keep the pubic region neat and clean, otherwise it
could lead to bacterial or fungal infection.
  • Pay extra attention to those hairy parts particularly the armpits and groin where
there are many sweat producing glands and where bacteria grow quickly.
    • Girls maintain personal hygiene during menstruation by keeping themselves clean
and changing sanitary napkin frequently.

  6. Differences between enzymes and hormones:
    • Hormones are chemical messengers whereas enzymes are biological catalysts. Mostly
enzymes perform reactions at the place of origin i.e. in cells where they are produced.
Hormones are released by the glands directly into the blood stream which then
travel in whole body reaching their target organ or parts. This implies that the site
of origin and site of action of hormones are different
    • Enzymes are biological catalyst. They catalyse the biological reactions. Hormones
are not catalyst. They simply initiate biochemical reactions.
  • All enzymes are generally proteins. There are some exceptions like ribozymes (RNA
with catalytic activity). The hormones may be polypeptides, terpenoids, steroids,
phenolics compounds or amines.
  • As enzymes are catalyst, at the end of reaction they remain unchanged and can be
reutilised. As hormones are not catalyst, they participate in biological reaction and
their chemical composition is changed and cannot be reutilised as such.

7. A gland is different from any other organ of the body.
  • Gland is a specialised cell or group of cells synthesise and secrete substances.
However, organ is a group of organised tissues performing specific or group of
  • Gland always secretes substances but not all the organs secrete substances.
    • Gland is always a tube like structure but organ is not always in that nature. For
example, liver is a dense organ but stomach is a hollow organ.
    • Gland is technically a collection of cells, which are of the same type. However, many
other organs have different types of cells.
• The functionally related organs perform functions together as a unit called organ
systems, which involves in homeostasis, but glands alone do not function together
  • An animal cannot live without vital organ. If the essential substances are provided
externally, the animal can live without that particular gland.
    • Normally most of the organs are larger and complex compared to glands.

  8. Hormones also play important roles in the lives of organisms other than humans also.
For example, metamorphosis, the process through which tadpoles turn into frogs, takes
place only in the presence of the hormone thyroxine. Since the secretion of this hormone
requires sufficient amounts of iodine, tadpoles need to live in salt water. If the water in
which tadpoles are present is not salty, they do not mature into frogs. Insects such as
ants also secrete some hormones called pheromones. Pheromones help these insects to
track more of their kind and to raise alarms during life-threatening situations

9. A few things must be kept in mind in order to make responsible decisions during
  • Analyse every situation carefully before determining your course of action. Try to
understand why a person is giving you a certain piece of advice before coming to a
  • Peer pressure shows a considerable effect on teenagers during this time, but always
feel free to refuse to do something that you feel is wrong.
    • Puberty or sexual maturity, may also bring about sexual feelings or feelings of
attraction towards the opposite sex. However, we must remember that this time of
life may be as confusing for our friends as it is for us. Hence, we must respect and
support each other during this time.


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